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Eight Hormones That Effect Weight



INSULIN- The Storage Hormone:

Insulin is a hormone that is released by the pancreas. Its role is to bring glucose (sugar) from the foods you eat into your cells to use as energy or to be stored as glycogen for later use. It also inhibits fat cells from being broken down and utilized.

High levels of insulin contribute to increased hunger and cravings, so it is important to keep sugar and carbohydrate intake in check. Physical activity helps to burn these glycogen stores. Water intake and activity are also necessary for proper fat burning.

LEPTIN- A Satiety Hormone:

Leptin is produced by fat cells and sends a signal to the brain when you’ve consumed enough food ( in order to prevent overeating).

Leptin levels drop with lack of sleep (Especially if you have untreated sleep apnea).

Regular exercise increases Leptin sensitivity.

Foods that help trigger this “fullness hormone” include those rich in Omega-3 fatty acids- (Walnuts, salmon, flaxseeds…).

GHRELIN- The Hunger Hormone:

Ghrelin is released by the stomach when it’s empty. After the stomach is stretched by eating, Ghrelin will stop making you hungry after one hour has passed. So eat slowly and mindfully.

Foods that don’t stretch the stomach lining, like sugary drinks and “cheep” calories, will make you continue to feel hungry and leads to excess calorie intake.

Eating fiber and protein increases satiety and adds bulk to physically stretch the stomach lining, halting the hunger hormone.

PEPTIDE YY (PYY)- The Control Hormone:

PYY is a hormone produced by the gastrointestinal tract to suppress appetite.

Balanced blood sugar levels, protein and fiber all increase PYY production and response.

CORTISOL- The Stress Hormone:

The Adrenal glands (on top of the kidneys) release Cortisol when the body senses stress. High and persistent levels of Cortisol are linked to overeating and weight gain.

You can reduce unwanted Cortisol with stress management techniques, physical activity, improved sleep, and by eating balanced meals that include protein, healthy fats, and fiber.


CCK is produced in the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. It slows stomach emptying and suppresses energy intake.

In order to increase CCK production, eat a combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats at each meal.

GLUCAGON-LIKE PEPTIDE-1 (GLP-1) –The Fullness Hormone:

GLP-1 is released by the intestines after one has eaten. It signals the brain that one is full.

Take a probiotic daily to improve the microflora of the gut, eat protein at each meal since it increases GLP-1 levels, and stock up on leafy greens that are high in antioxidants.

NEUROPEPTIDE Y (NYP)-The Stimulation Hormone:

NYP is a hormone produced in the brain and nervous system that increases appetite for high carbohydrate foods. Stress and lack of sleep can increases NYP production.

Practice stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga to control the hormone.

Exercise regularly and eat regular portioned meals to avoid long periods without eating. Avoiding food intake for long periods of time will not promote healthy weight loss.


This hormone comes from the thyroid gland in the neck. While it serves many purposes, weight gain can occur when the level is too high. Since this effects many bodily functions, it is an important number to review with your health care professional along with blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol, etc.

Talk to your health care professional about your weight and weight loss efforts. See how these hormones may be affecting your efforts.

We are here to help!

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