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These Factors Affect Your Weight


These Factors Affect Your Weight

While we are aware that weight is affected by multiple factors, some can’t be changed (genetics). However, there are far more factors that CAN be adjusted like behaviors and decisions. Studies have proven that episodes of illness or isolation, a college move, a death or a poor marriage are just a few of the stressors that contribute to weight gain in most individuals. When we reflect and examine our reactions to life events, it gives us a better understanding of our weight and how to control it.

In general, overall life events that influence weight are divided into BIOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, SOCIAL &HABITUAL and COGNITIVE.


Affects: *Appetite   *Caloric burn   *Fat storage

Aging: Muscle loss yearly over age forty, results in slower metabolism, while menopause and pregnancy affect body shape and hormones. Loss of sleep increases appetite, decreases activity interest and increases insulin resistance.

Hypothyroidism: “slow” thyroid - the gland produces too little of its hormone and it results in dry skin, fatigue, constipation, depression and weight gain.

Hypothalamic Obesity: Damage to the eating center of the brain results in a dramatic and rapid weight increase.

Cushing’s Disease: A sustained release of the stress hormone (Cortisol) for a long period of time.

Polycystic Ovarian disease: A hormonal disorder in women of childbearing age.

Medications: Insulin and Sulfonylureas, certain depression medications, drugs used to treat bipolar disorder or Schizophrenia, pharmaceuticals like Prednisone for Inflammatory conditions, sleep or allergy medications and sedatives.


Low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with body image, negative coping skills, anxiety, loneliness and “stress eating” for comfort, can all lead to increased weight.

Binge Eating Disorder: A person frequently consumes large amounts of food without stopping, and then feels embarrassed or guilty afterwards.

ACE or Adverse childhood experiences: Trauma before the age of 18 in the form of violence, divorce or exposure to substance abuse.

Weight discrimination: Certain problematic social attitudes towards obesity lead to individuals feeling depressed, isolated, embarrassed to exercise and an actual increase in poor eating behavior.


Jobs, education status, children, income, retirement, marriage, cultural celebrations (in other words, LIFE), can all mold our eating habits and choices. In addition, highly processed, high calorie foods are endlessly available and we are enticed by inviting advertising to consume food even when are not hungry.

The effect of our upbringing fits into this category as well. How many of us were raised in the “clean plate” club and told never to waste food? This can possibly lead to habits of mindless food consumption and over indulgence.


Certain personality types have a tendency to more easily gain weight. Our actions of thinking, reasoning, judging, perceiving and remembering, are all associated with how we consume food.

Personal weight loss success can absolutely be attained despite these factors. They lead us to think or behave a certain way, but we can also learn to CHANGE the factors that make weight loss and better health a struggle. We need to recognize them, accept their impact and use them to our advantage. With medical assistance, self-help instruction, self-compassion and motivation, we can approach a realistic and targeted plan to manage weight and attain reasonable goals. We can get qualified assistance with behavior control, mindfulness, recognition of impulses and be empowered with numerous tools to control them.

Remember that you are powerful and capable of making your life better!

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