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Busting Obesity Myths


Busting Obesity Myths

Obesity is not a disease

Even when exacerbated by unhealthy habits, Obesity is a disease that results in abnormalities on a cellular and body organ level. It may result in disease causing fat development, hormonal and immune dysfunction. It requires addressing it daily and mindfully in order to live your healthiest life.

An increase in body weight is always due to body fat


Body mass index or BMI is calculated using height and weight. It has its limitations in assessing body fat in those with increased muscle mass, decreased muscle mass, male vs. female gender, different races, and post-menopausal status.

Obesity causes all of a person’s health conditions

Fat can contribute to a number of chronic diseases such as sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, some cancers, heart disease, etc. However, each of these diseases has contributors beyond obesity alone. For example, elevated fats in the blood can be caused by untreated hypothyroidism, genetic disorders, liver disease or Diabetes Mellitus type 2.

Obesity is due to lack of willpower

Eating behavior can be a result of physiological forces that resist weight loss. Mental stress, emotions, shift work, environment and an information gap can all effect eating behavior. Mental stress may impair self-regulation and promote unhealthy choices. Certain eating disorders may be present like, binge eating, bulimia nervosa and night eating syndrome. Physical activity can be affected by musculoskeletal, neurologic, pulmonary, cardiac and other health disorders. Alterations in the microflora (bacteria) of the gut may result in less efficient intestinal energy absorption and increased carbohydrate absorption.

Obesity isn’t affected by processed foods

Many foods are “processed” to prevent spoilage or improve taste. This can increase caloric intake and increase digestion and absorption, leading to weight gain. Ultra-processed foods undergo changes that remove healthy fiber and add coloring, sugar and salt. Excess ingestion occurs due to lack of hunger satisfaction and in response to our pleasure center of the brain prompting us to keep eating.

Obesity is caused by skipping breakfast

The weight effect of eating breakfast largely depends on the individual, food choices and volume ingested. Remember that “breakfast” is defined by the time of day and not its quantitative, caloric or qualitative content.

Obesity is caused by lack of breastfeeding

While children who are breast fed may demonstrate more healthful food and taste preferences, there is little to no evidence that lack of breast feeding leads to obesity.

Lean people are “naturally skinny”

Muscle mass in individuals greatly contributes to metabolism. When weight is lost incorrectly or too quickly, water and muscle are also lost. Therefore, activity is critical to maintain muscle mass and not just to burn calories. More muscle means faster metabolism and improved maintenance of a healthy weight too. Non exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) can range between 150-500kcal per day. For some, this can even surpass the calories burned doing physical activity in a day. So a fit person will burn calories more efficiently and maintain weight as well. They need to put in the work of activity; it rarely “comes naturally”.

Weight loss drugs should not be used

There was a time when Diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol medications were thought to be unnecessary if individuals “would only make lifestyle changes”. Currently their medications are much better tolerated, safer, more effective and more affordable. The same is true for obesity treatment drugs. While their current insurance coverage is limited, newer anti-obesity agents are more efficacious, better tolerated and safer when used appropriately and under supervision. We may soon have clinical evidence of improved cardiovascular outcomes and better mortality as a result of their proper use.

Access to exercise equipment and a gym result in weight loss

Access to a gym membership or to home equipment may facilitate weight loss by helping to maintain muscle and burn calories. However, be mindful that 50% of new gym members abandon activity by the third month and less than 5% of members continue past twelve months. Safe, physical activity is a means to improve sleep, body functions, mentation and weight. The very best exercise is the movement that one will do correctly and regularly. Therefore, walking 30-45 min. a day and doing light weight lifting twice a week can be an excellent start to any lifestyle improvement. Avoid self-disappointment by starting with activities that you like and WILL DO regularly.

Weight loss is hard and maintaining weight loss is easy

Successful weight loss maintenance requires a similar combination of interventions required for the initial weight loss. Despite whether weight was lost with medication, a specialized diet or even surgery, certain actions must remain in place to keep the weight off. These include: Physical activity, appropriate nutrition, monitoring behavior, and when appropriate, use of medication. Imbalances will result in regain. Obesity is a disease that requires monitoring, support and education.

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